Rezidence Engerth Byt 4.5.1
70,25 m2
66,35 m2

Find your unbound space
...for culinary art
A gastronomic paradise where culinary visions are made reality and every dish is a work of art.
...for endless dreams
A private haven for endless dreams, where every evening begins and ends in comfort, perfection and inspiring design.
...for Picasso paintings
A world of creativity and artistic freedom in the atelier, where you will create your own painting of life.
...for the kingdom of fairytales
A kingdom of fairytales for the little ones, where their dreams of adventures and magic are just beginning.
...for popcorn nights
The comfort and luxury of a living room with a home cinema where every evening is full of excitement, emotion and buttered popcorn.
...for all books of Shakespeare
A workroom where a large library offers inspiration and space to explore all the masterpieces book as Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, Macbeth and more.
...for Ringo Starr's cymbals
A living space where every day turns into a musical adventure and rehearsal room, like Ringo Starr's drummer.
...for Rocky's boxing bag
Your own fitness paradise where every workout is a challenge and every success pushes the limits. In the comfort of your own home, you can box a six pack like Rocky Balboa.